常に新しいジュエリー、アクセサリーを提案し続けているJAM HOME MADEとのコラボレーション。この冬はバブルリングのデザインから誕生した、限定モデルのピアス、ネックレス、リングが登場。遊び心あるデザインは、ユニセックスな印象で大切な人や、自分へのギフトにもおすすめです。
Piercing 22,000yen+tax / Necklace 16,000yen+tax / Ring S(9/11/13) 14,000yen+tax / Ring M(13/15/17) 16,000yen+tax *Ring S/Mのみ、一部店舗(南青山・代官山・渋谷西武・銀座松屋・二子玉川ライズ・グランフロント大阪・札幌PARCO・広島PARCO・福岡PARCO・HUMOR・ZOZOTOWN)での限定販売となります。
We will launch a crossover series with JAM HOME MADE, a jewelry brand which continuously proposes new jewelry accessories. This winter will be a series inspired by bubble rings. Pierced earrings, necklaces, and rings, a unisex design with a pinch of humor is a recommended piece as a gift for your precious people and even yourself.
In spite of the cool impression at first sight, inside the ring has a special finish of small furrows that can make soap bubbles through it if you dip it into the solution. In the bathtub, at camp, in the busy life, you can take a break and enjoy having a slow floating time gazing at the bubbles, and get a relaxing feeling from the romantic rainbow colors. This is a jewelry that makes you and the people around you feel a bit happy in the season you get in the mood for outdoor activities.
*Ring size S/M will only be available in limited stores (Minami Aoyama, Daikanyama, Shibuya SEIBU, Ginza Matsuya, Futako Tamagawa rise, Grand Front Osaka, Sapporo PARCO, Hiroshima PARCO, Fukuoka PARCO, HUMOR, ZOZOTOWN).